Tutus a mixed bill - Tutus on Tour 2022 ‘The current Tutus programme opens with Shaun James Kelly’s The Ground Beneath our Feet, originally performed by the company in 2019 and further developed for the current tour. Danced to a Bach violin concerto arranged by former company dancer Massimo Margaria with electronic and percussion overlays, this is a vibrant work that suits the company well. Five pairs of dancers in colour-coded costumes designed by the choreographer, combine in differing configurations in continuously evolving sequences in response to the energy of the music. A highlight of the piece is the central slow movement, performed by Sara Garbowski and Joshua Guillemot-Rodgerson, their stretched limbs evoking the yearning for growth that underpins Kelly’s concept for the work. The final movement brings the full cast back to the stage, their energy barely contained as they slide across the floor. It is a pleasure to see this work again and it is to be hoped that more choreographic opportunities will come Kelly’s way soon.’Review by Dr Ian Lochhead