An Eclectic Programme With Flare and Versatility - Tutus on Tour 2022 ‘The Ground Beneath Our Feet is a great start to the show that eases the audience back into their seats to enjoy an evening of vivacious dancing. Shaun James Kelly’s choreography is eloquently crafted, weaving seamlessly in and out of solos, duets and group ensemble moments giving the piece a sense of complexity. The fast-paced choreography and intricate footwork propels the dancers through space as they glide, jump and turn, while the breathtaking partnering reveals the dancers’ supple strength, sense of abandonment and underscores their athleticism. A landmark in the piece is the moment a dancer walks backwards under a blue spotlight that counters the business of the choreography and in a way becomes a point of reflection revealing the ethos of the work. In this work there are definitely echoes of Paul Taylor’s intention to create dance that is performed with unassuming virtuosity and for the sheer beauty of it.’Review by Sofia Kalogeropoulou